Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

The end of this October 2016

Thanks opened my eyes and my heart.
This is really bad October in my life.
Tuhan yang tahu segalanya, yang terbaik buat kedepannya.
Terima kasih sudah berjasa, terima kasih sudah membuat aku bisa belajar dan belajar lagi agar bisa bangkit kembali. Bangkit dari keterpurukan dari keterjasaan.
Mencoba kembali membangun hati yang sudah retak dan hampir hancur.

Hanya butuh waktu saja untuk bisa kembali seperti semula
Kembali dari segala hal pengharapan yang ternyata bukan harapan
Tuhan selalu memberi waktu, cara dan solusi.

Mari bahagia, Ayo bahagia..
Mari semangat selalu..
Menerima akan bahagia..

And this October like this, never, never and never happen again !!
I'm promise to my self.

Bismillah for new way :)

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016


coming soon,........
Jalan-jalan di TMII sekalian ngilangin penat yang bikin cenat cenut.
Refreshing bersama adek yang sering dijahilin dan jahilin balik. Sukanya berantem, ga berantem sehari ga begitu kangen juga sih. hahaha..
Makasih yee

Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Finally the riddle has been missed

I really don't know, this happened to me.
I know God have a new story for me, to through all this. Thanks God for opened my heart.
I'm happy to be who I am.

I have a new story about broken heart, like people say.
Broken heart ? what's broken heart ?
In my opinion, broken heart is when you falling in love with "something", then the 'something' rejected you.

But, in every moment that you have done, its very important to remind you about those situation.
So, keep and not to forget but to remind. Nothing is wrong or right. Just let it flow and let it go.
Bismillah for future.


Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Thanks God Im Officially 24 th

And the day was coming to me. 
Alhamdulillah for everything God, in every my special moment i was fun and happy.
Smiling every day. I love my day when i'm not in bad mood haha LOL
Thanks to Mama, Papa, Dek Novi and Dek Tika who always give me a motivation, strength, support and anything about life.
I hope I can find what i want, with this new age. Amin. Hope can meet you as soon as posible. when God say "YES Uns, this is your time to......" Amin :D

This picture above can describe my heart feeling now, i'm alone, but it was fun, its okay. I free and happy.

And this cake picture is from my office "TFT", thank you. But you know my cheek is not that before. xixixi

And this gift from my besties in my college, they said double "L" Lila and Luvia
Love you to the moon and back 
This gift above is from my xroomate "Mayang" who in a counting days be married.
And this unexpectedly. Thank you very much May May.

Minggu, 24 Juli 2016

i love being my self

I know i not perfect,
I know I have much of blame
I wanna be the best, for me, for my parents, my friends, and my country. I will make all the people proud of me. will applause to me.
I love meet the new people,  just wanna share my happiness to them.
so,  what wanna do, please do that. cause it can make you happy than what you feel. can go out your sadness from your heart. try to be the best.
like I join this community.  Jakarta Berkebun community.
Please enjoy your life.

Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

my weekend on two weeks ago

Hal yang paling di tunggu-tunggu saat orang kerja adalah weekend.
Yupz, mengistirahatkan sejenak pikiran dari segala rutinitas yang ada. Refresh otak dan semuanya. Dua minggu ini weekend ku full of old friends and new friends. Benar saja, salah satu teman SMA ku tinggal sementara di kosan ku. Sebagai tuan rumah alangkah lebik baiknya jika kita melayani selayaknya raja (wapaun bukan) haha. Mengajak jalan ke daerah-daerah dengan budget yang masih terjangkau lah ya. Inget nabung haha.
Di bawah ini aku akan share foto tentang weekend 2 minggu ini dari yang paling baru.
Check this out!! :D

Mall Taman Anggrek, Jakarta Barat (28 Mei 2016)
Ketemu teman lama, ketemu keluarga makan bareng di ..... (lupa nama resto nya, pokoknya laa Jepang, kalo kata Jefri "kali aja bisa ke Jepang amin). Abis Makan lanjut main ICE Scating.  Ternyata susah-susah gampang. Ya kayak hidup lah butuh perjuangan kalo kita mau mencapai kesuksesan. Seperti itu lah, yang penting usaha dan kerja keras dan tekniknya harus dipahami dulu.
Together with Mukhlisa (Ica), Berry, Jefri, Mayang and Septa
Taman Bunga Nusantara, Cipanas, Cianjur 22 Mei 2016

Taman Bunga Nusantara, 22 Mei 2016
Ketemu temen baru (temen nya Mukhlisa). alangkah senangnya bersama Kak Lia, Kak Riana, Mukhlisa (Ica)

Old City, Jakarta 21 Mei 2016
Play with Mukhlisa (Ica) and Kak Fadhil

Okay, this is my weekend about 2 weeks ago. Refreshing before Ramadhan's coming. Fighting!!
Alhamdulillah for everything